Podcast on Personality Development

How to choose career?

In this Episode, An MIT Professor, Mark Herschberg explains How one should choose the career of their interest, and also talks to Parents on how they should think about their Child's Career. Mark is an Author of the Book, The Career Toolkit, and also he is a wonderful teacher making students expertise in the field of Communication and guiding them to a Perfect Career Path.

Job Search & Linkedin Profile

In this Episode, the Leadership Development Coach, Jay Franze talks about 2 major things in Career Development. First he talks about how essential it is to give time to your career, how to choose your job or internship and Secondly a detailed guide to set up your LinkedIn Profile. His Extensive Background as a leader in multiple industries allows him to provide values, insights, and stories that educate all of you.

Creating Creative career with ashlee braxton

In this Episode, Ashlee Braxton the Creative Career Coach explains wonderfully how one can have a positive mindset while navigating the career towards their passion. She also explains her own story of having a positive mindset. Make sure to listen to the Entire podcast and let me know what you think about it.

Creating your resume with elena pastore

Your Resume says a lot about you. It creates an opportunity for you to get into the Job of your dreams. Your Resume is basically an Advertisement leaflet to your Employers saying them why you are Eligible for the job you are applying for. So In this episode, Elena Pastore, a leadership development and soft skills coach explains How to Create a perfect resume that will land you a job.

Secrets of high acheivers with dr. ruth gotian

Welcome to the very First Episode of the Year 2022! In this Episode, Dr. Ruth Gotian talks about the secrets of the High Achievers and how they do things and how can we develop those skills to get success in our lives. Dr. Ruth Gotian is the Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology and former Assistant Dean of Mentoring and Executive Director of the Mentoring Academy at Weill Cornell Medicine. She has been hailed by the journal Nature and Columbia University as an expert in mentorship and leadership development. She is also a contributor to Forbes and Psychology today where she writes about "Optimizing Success". 

Hack that interview with bhuvneshwari sawant &
sonal gadhvi

Job Interviews are like First Dates, Good Impression Counts, Awkwardness can occur and Results are Unpredictable. In this Interview, Internationally Certified Image Consultants and the Co-Founders of NYOU Image Management Consultancy Bhuvneshwari Sawant and Sonal Gadhvi guides on How Can you give the Perfect Job Interview for any level of experience and age.

Season finale: tips for Grads to grown-ups

In this Episode, Mr. Gene Rice talks about his book "68 Tips for Grad to Grown-up" written by him and his daughter. He shares valuable lessons and tips for people of all the age group so that everyone can achieve success in their lives.

Leverage your strengths to get career success

Your strengths plays a vital role towards getting Career Success. So in this Episode, Executive Coach and a Women Coach in the STEM Industry, Pamela Kellert explains how to indentify strengths and how to use it to implement those strengths to get Career Success. Make sure to listen to the entire episode and let me know what you feel about it.